90-Day Habit Transformation LIGHT (without coaching)
For Women Who Want To Lose 20+ Pouns & Go Through The 90-Day Habit Transformation Program Without Angela's Coaching! 
Transforming your poor habits now will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars down the road.   
Replacing them with good habits alone can help you lose a tremendous amount of weight in only 90 days! 
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SheSlimFast - 90-Day Turnaround - LIGHT
$330 per 3 months
Yours For Just $970 Today!
This offer will be gone forever once you will close this page. 
Remember, I take the risk by giving you a 30-day full money back guarantee! 
“I am so thankful to be part of the SheSlimEasy programme because it’s a relief to finally find a programme that addresses weight loss in a holistic way, working on the 4 levels – physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual, rather than just focusing on the physical level as most other weight loss programmes do. What I love about the SheSlimEasy is there is no mention of ‘dieting’ so no deprivation or restriction – hoorah! Instead the focus is on health and wellness. 30 days into the programme I am already seeing and feeling the benefits. I have more energy, I’m enjoying exercise and moving my body, and my waistline has reduced. Friends and family have also commented that I have lost weight and look more toned. I highly recommend the SheSlimEasy because it’s about gradually introducing small lifestyle changes that have a huge impact on your overall health. The daily audio lessons are short and succinct so can be easily fitted in to a busy schedule. And the support and guidance from Angela is second to none. You will benefit so much from this programme so just go for it…. you will be so glad you did!!” --Archana, UK

"I joined Angela's SheSlimEasy program after having heard several of her other lectures. I had decided at the beginning of the year that this year I really had to take my health and weight in hand and get a grip on it. I have been overweight since I was a teenager and though I usually had good results with whatever kind of diet or method I tried, I always gained back the lost weight over the years, and a few kgs more. I was quite fed up with this and felt I had to go deeper than just another diet, and find the cause of this weight - not only on the physical level. I lost 4 kgs during these 30 days without changing too much in my eating habits - just made them healthier and curbed a few wrong habits. Under Angela's inspiring guidance I (re)acquired some new or lost habits, like more (easy) exercise, and a lot of new insights. Each day I looked forward to Angela's audio messages and I felt her attention all along, answering all my questions thoroughly and quickly. I especially enjoyed the weekly group calls. You feel Angela's supportive and understanding attitude and because of her openness it is easy to open yourself to find out more about yourself. Thank you, dear Angela, for setting me on this road to more and continuing weight loss to become my best self in all ways - grateful for what I learned and grateful for my body! " -- Gerrie L., the NL

"If you're looking to lose weight and are considering a weight loss coach look no further than Angela Buhri. I highly recommend Angela for her in depth knowledge on weight loss and on dealing with the psychological obstacles that might prevent it as well. Angela is very caring and thorough during the coaching sessions. Although it was a group session Angela was extremely attentive and adept at personalizing it to each of our needs. It's obvious that she is passionate about this and cares deeply about her coaching students. I was amazed at all the new information, techniques and tools she shared with us that I had never heard of before. I tried just one of them in particular and to my surprise lost 1.5 lbs over night! I'm so grateful to have had this opportunity. Do yourself a favor and don't struggle through this process alone when you can have Angela by your side to guide you to permanent weight loss success." –Angela Artemis, USA

“Angela is a divine soul with much wisdom that she can share. There is so much information, knowledge and wisdom that she can provide for you and support you in. She creates a judgment free zone to explore blocks and allows deep internal shifts to occur. As the saying goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If you are ready to have deep change... Angela can be your teacher and guide and will support you in your change. For me personally, even though I have already known some of the things she has shared, hearing them again...being encouraged to continue in these practices, even if they are small steps are valuable. Giving up is the only time we will be defeated... I just have kept on working each day, little by little and have seen subtle shifts in my awareness and willingness to keep on going. I now know that releasing the weight is possible as I continue on my emotional/spiritual/ and practical application of the things I have learned.“ –Michele Kratochvil, USA

“The integrative approach to losing weight is the only weight loss approach that really works. There are many factors involved when it comes to excess weight – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and Angela addresses them all with her integrated program. If you want to really succeed in your weight loss journey, the SheSlimEasy program is the only program you’ll need.” –Linda Binns, USA

“I'm so glad to be a part of this group. I had my first lesson yesterday and participated in my first coaching call today. It was not at all what I expected but it was everything I needed. The more I process the information the more I am inspired and encouraged. I am 45 yrs old and for the first time in my life, my health assessment stated I was overweight in February. I am encouraged and look forward to getting back on track. Thank you!!”---Ruby, USA

I look forward to assisting you in your weight loss process.
You deserve to look beautiful - release the slim and beautiful person that is already within you!

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